AIPMA 2025 CFP - deadline postponed to February 1st 2025
Dear Colleagues, The deadline for the call for papers for the next AIPMA conference has been extended to 15 February 2025 . You will find...
Publication of the XIV AIPMA Proceedings - Naples
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the publication of the proceedings of the XIVth AIPMA Conference: "Pareti dipinte : dallo...
Sad news
Dear Colleagues, We are saddened to announce the passing of Marek Olszewski, at the beginning of February. This news follows that of the...
In ricordo di Valeria Sampaolo
A un mese dalla scomparsa, l'Association internationale pour la peinture murale antique desidera ricordare Valeria Sampaolo, che per anni...
Workshop internacional Pictores et Officinae: Cartagena, 19-24 Jun. 2023
La Fundación Teatro romano de Cartagena, con la colaboración de la Universidad de Murcia y de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación del...
CFP: AIRPA Conference: Agrigento, 6-8 July 2023
The italian association for research on ancient painting, AIRPA, has opened a CFP for their next conference, to be held in Agrigento...
AIPMA XV - Cartagena 2022: definitive program
Dear Colleagues, You will find the program of the next AIPMA Conference here: For any question do not hesitate to contact us using the...
Call for Applications: Financial help with the publication of a PhD Thesis
Dear AIPMA Members, We are happy to announce the opening of the first call for applications for a financial help with the publication...
AIPMA XV 2022 - Info
Estimados/as colegas. Espero que sigáis bien tras este último año y medio tan complicado. A diferencia de años anteriores donde...
AIPMA 2020 Membership fee
Dear Colleagues, We hope this message finds you well and in good health. You will find here a message from our treasurer Yves Dubois...